I Love Ferry: the start of our journey
It has not been easy at all to get this website, www.iloveferry.us, to have seen the light. Behind so many words and images there are many hours of work that have finally seen the light.
And surely this website is not the best in the world, it does not rank first for all the search terms, it is always on the first page and from time to time it has some integration problem with the Balearia Caribbean website, but what we are convinced of the whole team is that we have done a good job.
Now is the time when you, our clients, have to put us to the test, telling us what is not working or unclear, making ferry reservations to go to Bimini, visit family in Freeport or return to Fort Lauderdale Florida.
With your help and patience, and with our tenacity, we will continue to improve to offer you the fastest, simplest, most agile and clearest way to buy ferry tickets from the Balearia Caribbean company and be able to travel between the Bahamas and Florida with peace of mind.
Thank you for joining us on this journey!