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ferry Puerto Rico Dominican Republic
Travel Guides
08/27/2024 14:08
I Love Ferry

ferry Puerto Rico Dominican Republic


Published on August 27, 2024 · Author: Javier


ferry Puerto Rico Dominican Republic

Balearia Caribbean will launch a new route by the end of 2024 from Puerto Rico to the Dominican Republic, connecting the ports of Mayagüez in Puerto Rico with the port of San Pedro de Macorís in the Dominican Republic.

The ferry company plans to connect the two Caribbean ports with a direct daily ferry service. The expected investment to start operations between both countries amounts to 100 million dollars. This investment includes the remodeling and construction of the necessary infrastructure for the proper functioning of the cargo terminals and to provide comfort and safety to passengers.

A new passenger and cargo terminal is planned for construction in the port of San Pedro de Macorís, and the existing terminal in Mayagüez will be renovated.

Third route in the Caribbean. This new route will be the third crossing in the Caribbean for Balearia Caribbean. This direct service will connect the 133 miles separating Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. In 2011, the ferry company Balearia made its debut in Fort Lauderdale (Florida, United States) to connect this port with Bimini (Bahamas) and later, in 2017, to connect the port of Freeport on Grand Bahama Island with Florida.

This journey, which will have a duration of 7 hours, will be carried out with an eco-friendly ship that will be the first liquefied natural gas-powered ship to sail in the Caribbean. Balearia Caribbean will bring its successful business model, established in Europe, North Africa, the United States, and the Bahamas, to Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, making this its sixth international route (there are two connections to Algeria - Oran and Mostaganem - and four connections to Morocco - 2 to Nador and 2 to Tanger Med).

The most important aspect of this new route for Balearia Caribbean is the establishment of a daily crossing between Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic that ensures the daily transit of passengers and cargo in less than 24 hours between both countries.

This represents Balearia's largest investment in its international expansion plans. The funds provided by the ferry company will be used to offer a modern ferry with upgraded engines, comfort for passengers, and great cargo capacity for transporting goods and vehicles. The remodeling work at the port of Mayagüez includes adapting the existing facilities. In the port of San Pedro de Macorís, the construction of a new passenger and cargo terminal is planned. Both ports will have a gangway for passenger access and ramps for the boarding and disembarking of cars on the ferry.

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