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I Love Ferry

I Love Ferry

Best company to buy your tickets

I Love Ferry is the best option to buy your tickets to travel in Bahamas.



Bimini or Bimini Islands is the westernmost district of the Bahamas, made up of a chain of islands located about 53 miles (81 km) east of Miami (United States). Bimini is the closest point in the Bahamas to the United States and is located approximately 137 miles (209 km) northwest of Nassau.

The largest islands are North Bimini and South Bimini. The Bimini District also includes the Placer de los Roques or Cayo Sal (Cay Sal Bank), more than 62 miles (100 km) further south, which is not geographically part of the Bimini Islands. North Bimini is seven miles (11 km) long and 700 feet (210 m) wide. Its main town is the city of Alice Town, a collection of shops, restaurants and bars around a single road known as "La Carretera del Rey" (The King's Highway).

South Bimini is home to an airstrip, called South Bimini Airport, and offers a quiet alternative to the bustle of North Bimini. There is a small community of houses in South Bimini known as Puerto Real (Port Royale). For many years, South Bimini only received boating tourists, because there was little other than home accommodation.

Ferries from Bimini

Fort Lauderdale