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I Love Ferry

I Love Ferry

Offers and promotions of our ferries

Day Trip to Gran Bahama Bahamas

Day Trip to Gran Bahama Bahamas

from $225 per person

Escape from the daily grind and treat yourself to a ferry trip to Grand Bahama, Freeport, and you will be able to tell firsthand why everyone is talking about the Bahamas.

In just 3 hours from the port of Fort Lauderdale you will reach Freeport, on Grand Bahama. On this island you can bathe in the crystal clear waters of the Bahamas, swim with the famous Bahamian pink pigs and rest on the beach.

A one day trip to the Bahamas is the best option to find out if your next vacation can be in the Bahamas. You will see that you can enjoy staying in a hotel like the Viva Wyndam Fortuna Beach, a hotel that offers you All Inclusive package for your entire stay.

Begin by reserving the tickets for this one day trip with Balearia Caribbean and discover the Bahamas!

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Offer Conditions:

- This offer only included the ferry tickets from Fort Lauderdale (Florida) and Freeport (Gran Bahama, Bahamas), return.

- You can travel anytime during 2024 with this offer.

- Valid only for ferry bookings. (This offer not included ferry and hotel packages in the Bahamas).

- This offer is only for a small number of places each day. If you do not want to run out of yours you must book in advance.

- This offer allows changes subject to a fee or penalty and rate updates at the time of making the change.

- This offer cannot be cancelled.

To which routes is applied this offer?

Fort Lauderdale - Freeport
Freeport - Fort Lauderdale

When finishes this offer?

This offer finishes on 11/30/-0001

Check the departure dates and fares of this ferry route

Fort Lauderdale
Fort Lauderdale